Award of the Serbian Society for Informatics to QUANTUM-AutoMARKET
Serbian Society for Informatics (DIS) has once again organized the event named DIS Plaque for outstanding achievement in Information technologies, the manifestation of long-term importance and credibility in the field of Information technologies in our country.
This year Plaque is awarded in the following areas: Innovative use of IT technology in a business environment, Scientific work in the field of IT, Developed and applied a hardware or software product, Developed and applied Information technology services.
QUANTUM - AutoMARKET has participated in the election for 2012 owing to Mr. Dragan Pleskonjic proposal, who we thank on this occasion.
We are honored and pleased to have received this year award and Plaque DIS for Developed and applied a hardware or software product.
The manifestation was held at the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce, where this year's candidates held presentations to the competition jury, that is by their analysis and consideration of all applications and system of voting made the decision on awarding Plaques DIS in 2012.
Our product Webshop for spare parts trade was awarded in the area of Developed and applied a hardware or software product, as the innovative and promising software product designed for the automation, standardization and modernization of business in the automobile industry and tailored to enterprises dealing with spare parts distribution or manufacture.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Serbian Society for Informatics for the awarded Plaque, with wishes for their further successful work on the promotion and popularization of IT technologies and connecting the entities that create and operate in this area.
You can review the Plaque DIS award via Belgrade Chamber of Commerce website www.kombeg.org.rs