Company Auto Kuca Lav from Bosnia and Herzegovina our new user
Following business trends in the field of automotive spare parts trading, we are constantly developing and improving our solutions, and in that way, we increase the number of satisfied users, to whom Auto Lav from Banja Luka joined.
Company Auto kuca Lav d.o.o. is direct importer and official representative of famous European producer of car parts and additional equipment. Organization of the company is reflected in the successful operation and customer satisfaction both in wholesale and in their retail stores.
In order to business organization raised to a higher level they decided to improve communication with their customers by using our wholesale Webshop. The assortment of goods, which is located at 4 locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is now available to customers 24 hours. This means that customers throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, and not just in places of retail facilities of Auto kuca Lav, now can view a complete product portfolio and place orders of renowned brands. Using our software solutions goods located in Banja Luka, Gradiska, Bijeljina and Prijedor are always available with a maximum amount of information necessary for a quality and safe choice for the required part. No more doubts about the value of rebates, the mode of delivery and payment, the amount of the credit limit, etc. Information in one place, in real time and in the same way, are shown to buyers and sellers of Auto kuca Lav. These are just some of the practical value of our products recognized by the management of Auto kuca Lav during making the decision of cooperation.
If you would like to see the opportunities of our online shop and other products, please contact us in order to agree about free testing them.
Catch up with the future, use our products.
Web site: autokucalav.com